What is Gorsedd / Beth yw Gorsedd? GORSEDD is a vibrant cultural event rooted in Cardiff's music scene, designed to foster a sense of community and invite new participants into the celebration of Welsh folk and folkloric traditions. Occurring four times a year, aligned with the solstices and equinoxes, GORSEDD features live music, poetry readings, engaging talks, storytelling and performances that resonate with the rhythms of nature. The event not only highlights the rich tapestry of Welsh history and artistry but also creates a cozy and welcoming space for audiences to connect and reflect on seasonal changes, thereby enriching their cultural experience to our land and ancestral roots.
Why I set up ‘Gorsedd’
Penderfynais sefydlu ‘Gorsedd’ ar ôl ysgrifennu cerddoriaeth wedi’i hysbrydoli gan y newidiadau tymhorol a symudiadau’r byd. Roeddwn wedyn eisiau dal ac ymateb i’r tymhorau cyfnewidiol a chaniatáu i gymuned o Greadigwyr Cymreig a’r cyffiniau ymuno â mi ar y llwybr hwn. Mae Orsedd yn cynnwys perfformiadau byw, sgyrsiau a barddoniaeth/gair llafar. Mae hefyd yn ddigwyddiad elusennol, yn adeiladu rhoddion ar gyfer ‘Cardiff Rivers Group’, mudiad cymunedol gwirfoddol sy’n gwneud gwahaniaeth enfawr yng Nghaerdydd a’r cyffiniau, gan gynnal amgylchedd diogel a glân ar gyfer natur a bywyd gwyllt. Mae Gorsedd yn cynnwys cyfuniad diwylliannol a cherddorol o bobl greadigol Cymreig, yn cefnogi lleoliad annibynnol lleol ac yn cynnig lleoliad agos-atoch ar gyfer amrywiaeth o weithiau artistig, gan arddangos y dalent anhygoel sy'n digwydd yng Nghaerdydd ar hyn o bryd. Fel gerddor sy’n canu yn y iaith leiafrifol Cymraeg, rwy’n anelu at greu gofod sy’n datgelu agweddau anghofiedig a’r datgysylltiad modern rhwng natur a hinsawdd. Yn cynnig lleoliad sy’n gwahodd siaradwyr Cymraeg a hefyd dysgwyr i ddod at ei gilydd i ddathlu diwylliant, llên gwerin, adrodd straeon ac iaith, yn ogystal â mwynhau talent leol. Mae pob digwyddiad yn digwydd yn ystod y newidiadau tymhorol; Cyhydnos y Gwanwyn, Heuldro'r Haf, Cyhydnos yr Hydref a Heuldro'r Gaeaf.
"I decided to establish 'Gorsedd' after writing music inspired by the seasonal changes and the movements of the world. I then wanted to capture and respond to the changing seasons and allow a community of Welsh Creatives and the surrounding area to join me on this path. Gorsedd features live performances, poetry & spoken word.
Gorsedd features a cultural and musical fusion of Welsh creatives, supporting local independent and grassroots venues , offering an intimate setting for a variety of artistic works, showcasing the incredible talent happening in Cardiff at the moment, all in connection to welsh heritage , language, ancestral roots and offering a relaxing and comfortable space for a community to enjoy . As a musician who sings in the minority Welsh language, I aim to create a space that reveals forgotten aspects between nature and climate. Gorsedd invites all to come together to celebrate culture, folklore, storytelling and language, as well as enjoy local talent whilst fostering a sense of community. "
Past Event Performances by : Gareth Rees, Endro, Old Moll, Waldo Jeffers, Sean Parry (Sacred Knot), Orbit Street, CRAVEN, Gwilym Bowen Rhys, Gwilym Morus-Baird, Luke Huw Llywelyn (Silurian Folk Society), Elis Penri, Angharad Iris, Piskey Led, Dafne, Fall Arc, Bethany Celyn, Lowri Hedd Vaughan, Mari Mathias, Taff Rapids, Bethan Nia & More.